Eco Sphere Earth

    Product Details
    Specially designed for returning your loved one’s cremains to the Earth, the Eco Sphere Earth is a hand-crafted biodegradable urn made from binding plant organic substrate, fiber, golden sand and plant extracts. The urn can be buried beneath a favorite tree or the urn’s lid can be replaced and a seedling of the tree of your choice can be planted there to cultivate that new life. Includes biodegradable bag.
    Dissolution: dependent on moisture of soil
    Please check local laws and restrictions when scattering or burying cremated remains.
    Price $239.00
    Total $239.00
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    Product Name

    Eco Sphere Earth

    Stock Number 30-n-301
    Product Outer
    8.66 Dia.
    Amount Of Cremains 160 C.I.
    Product Material Clay
    Product Color(s) Tan
    Eco-Friendly Yes